just sharing my reply to this new pissy lil blog
okay, I have a question. These lil pissy blogs popping up here and there flaming people for supposedly stealing and piracy. My question is why don't you BITCH at those who start the chain in the beginning? When you sell a scrap kit, usually it comes with a TOU. In there, since you all bitch about it so much, there is some statement about not sharing or what have you. Have you ever stopped to think that the person who bought it from you is the person sharing it? I mean if your selling these kits to support your family, feed kids in somalia, buy a new vibrator, support a crack habit WHATEVER the reason, all I ask is you to think about it. I cant check every share and neither can you and if you do, then you spend way to much time on the computer and reality waved bye bye awhile ago. If they buy it from you and share it,that is how this starts. I have bought skrap kits from creators that are my favorites, just as many of you have. I have also downloaded shares of scraps that have come through the groups. I don't know for sure if I have down loaded something of yours or anyone elses that is not supposed to be shared, but more than likely I have. Am I sorry? NO, will I cry in my rice crispies? NO, I usually do what they tell me to anyway. It just really pisses me off that you put really good peoples names on your lil flame lists like it means something. Its not going to change anything and all this drama is simply annoying. NONE of you drama queen flamers can tell me (well you can but i wont believe you) that you hae never used or downloaded something, a kit, a tube or whatever and not given a rats ass about the tou! you have done and you know you have. Your flaming people, good people for things you have done yourself. So, who the fuck do you think you are to point fingers and call names in a blog to humiliate someone? Does that make your day better? a lil brighter?
Another thing, all of these artists that are bitching and whining about their tou being violated? Who the hell do you think made you who and what you are in the psp world anyway? we did, the taggers. If it wasnt for us using your work, liking your work and advertising for you by either word of mouth or some sort of credit in the tag, where do you think you would be today? I mean scraps and tubes dont really have a purpose outside of the psp world that im aware of and im sure someone will email me and tell me plenty of reasons since i said it and because i downloaded a share from a group a fairy drops dead somewhere. i do believe in fairies i do believe in fairies!!
I have been psp'n for i guess about 5 years now. im not the best and im not the worst. I love my groups and creating because it helps me relax, its something i do for pleasure. would do it more often if i could find one of those vibrating seat covers but thats not the point. its fun ladies, that is what it started out as and all this drama and blogs are taking that away. Lady, I dont know you, Im sure your probably a really great person and none of this in any way is to bash you, im just hopin that since you decided to start this blog and flame these people, point fingers and call names that you can explain to me who came and called you God and you believed it? Maybe if yall would stop callin names and all the drama and EXPLAIN your point( if you have one i think some of you just like to bitch). We as taggers are pretty smart ( i like to think, i mean come on we made most of yall well known in the psp world)so if you would try talking to us as people and not some twelve year old or some holier than thou bible salesman, you might just get somewhere. But, hey thats just my opinion. I know that im gonna get totally bashed but hey if you are bashing me then your giving some other poor lady a break. There will always be more of us than there are of you, thats what you dont understand.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Posted by ·Chimera· at 4:26 PM
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Sad? Pathetic? Lady I'm not the one whining and bitching, you are.
If I buy the scrap, wait, if I buy ANYTHING, I HAVE THE RIGHT to share it if I want to. I paid for it you daffy bitch, I can do whatever I want with it.
When I started in psp groups, it was for fun, it was/is something I do to relax and unwind. Chatting among other group members tagging and SHARING between each other is what its all about. I don't set out to share anything that is copyrighted scraps or otherwise, but it does happen sometimes. If I have something that someone needs and its my choice to share it then I will and YOU have NO RIGHT to tell me I can't! You also can not tell me that you have never shared something you shouldnt have even by mistake. I will not let someone tell me what I can or can not share, especially when I paid for it. So, your basically just preaching to the wind there sister.
Who are you to judge me or anyone else? You have a point, there are some that dont have the means to pay for scrap kits or just to have the right to use a tube in a tag that they are going to share with others and are making no profit from it themselves. Who are You? Let me tell you who you are to me! You are nothing but a drama queen who is bitching and whining about something that you have done yourself, simply to make brownie points with all those out there on their soap boxes about the copyright issue. You are a lonely little person, who has no other meaning to their life and you need to get online and call names and preach to others and tell them they are wrong and pathetic for something you have done yourself. You need the admiration of your other drama queens to validate your purpose to pat you on the back and say great job, thank you for sticking up for us and they don't really care who you are, only that your spreading hate and drama about their cause. You have no profile, why is that? Are you ashamed of who you are? No, I don't think so, you are ashamed for the others people to know your saying the things you are saying because you are two faced and on one side your for the copyright issue and on the other your downloading pirated material just as we all are and not wanting to rock the boat and let them know your silently playing both sides. So, to me, that makes you the sad pathetic little person you called me. How dare you call someone cheap for not buying scraps when feeding their family is more important or paying the light bill or putting clothes on the backs of their children. If they have the money or don't, that is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!
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